International Journal of Advanced Studies in Computer Science and Engineering (IJASCSE)

International Journal of Advanced Studies in Computer Science and Engineering (IJASCSE)
ISSN : 2278 7917
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IJASCSE Volume 9 Issue 03
Integrating Stance Detection and Factuality Checking
Fatima T. Al-Khawaldeh; University of York, York, United Kingdom
Co-Author (s) :
Tommy Yuan , Dimitar Kazakov;
University of York, York, United Kingdom
Stance Detection, Factuality Checking, Deep Learning, Tree Kernel, Semantic Similarity..
In this paper, we propose two models help distinguish fake news from reliable content. The first model is multi-channel LSTM-CNN with attention, where numeric features are merged with syntactic and semantic features as input. Concerning the second model, word-level and clause-level attention networks are implemented to capture the importance degrees of words in each clause and all clauses for each sentence in evidence. Other crucial features will be used in this model to guide the model in stance detection processes such as tree kernel and semantic similarities metrics. In our work, for stance detection evaluation, the PERSPECRUM data set is used for stance detection, while DLEF corpus is used for factuality checking task evaluation. Our empirical results show that merging stance detection with factuality checking helps maximize the utility of verifying the veracity of an argument. The assessment demonstrates that the accuracy improves when more focus is given on each segment (clause) rather than each sentence, so using the proposed word-level and clause-level attention networks demonstrate more effectiveness against multi-channel LSTM-CNN.
Proof of Behaviour (PoBh):An Enhanced Proof of Stake Blockchain Consensus Protocol
Damilare Peter Oyinloye; Kwara State University, Malete, Nigeria.
Co-Author :
Key words::
Proof of Workt(PoW), Proof of Stake(PoS)Consensus, Blockchain, Protocol, Proof of Behaviour(PoBh).
Alternative protocols such as proof of stake (PoS) emerged after the drawbacks of proof of work (PoW) consensus protocol had been analyzed by researchers. Bitcon which is powered by proof of work consumes almost the same amount of energy as Ireland yearly among other drawbacks. PoS became the protocol of the moment because it reduces the unimaginable energy consumption in PoW with other enhancements. PoS was not without its shortcomings/drawbacks with respect to its performance, accountability and security. This work proposes a proof of behavior (PoBh) consensus protocol, an enhanced PoS algorithm with a much better performance, enhanced security and accountability.
A Study on Artificial Intelligence for Health Care System
Author :
Q. Le Xuan; Jeonbuk National University, Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Co-Author: :
Artificial Intelligence, Agriculture, Healthcare, Internet of Things.
Survey on Bio-Informatics Tools and its Applications
Author :
S. H Miades; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, United States
Co-author :
Bacteria, Bio Informatics, Biology, Biotechnology, Broth, Centrifuge,
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