International Journal of Advanced Studies in Computer Science and Engineering (IJASCSE)

International Journal of Advanced Studies in Computer Science and Engineering (IJASCSE)
ISSN : 2278 7917
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IJASCSE Volume 9 Issue 04
Analysis of Knowledge Gap Value Using the Importance and Performance Analysis Method on the Adaptation of Tiwana Framework
Ahmad Taufik; Information System Department STMIK Widuri Jakarta, Indonesia
Co-Author (s) :
Suwaebatul Aslamiyah; Information System Department STMIK Widuri Jakarta, Indonesia
Knowledge gap, Knowledge Management System, Tiwana Model, Importance and Performance Analysis
The knowledge gap (K-Gap) between the knowledge that a company should have for the knowledge it actually has is a problem in knowledge management that is normally faced by every company. Because of this, it was deemed necessary to create a Knowledge Management System (KMS). The purpose of this study is to analyze the value of Knowledge Gaps after the presence of KMS, and to determine the importance of knowledge attributes based on user perceptions. As an object of a case study that will be used in research, researchers use the Student Affairs Unit of a tertiary institution. The method used in the study is Importance and Performance Analysis (IPA) to analyze gaps and use the adaptation of the Tiwana model framework to develop KMS. The results of this study are a student unit's Knowledge Management System as well as suggestions for actions that can be taken by student units on each attribute of knowledge in order to improve student unit performance.
SLM-OJ: Surrogate Learning Mechanism during Outbreak Juncture
Shahzad Ashraf;College of Internet of Things Engineering, Hohai University Changzhou Jiangsu China
Co-Author :
Key words::
Learning system, formal education, technology, alternate, resources
During epidemic outbreak it is hard to continue formal leaning and training routines specially when whole world is facing corona virus fistula. It is crucial to identify and share the best practices and innovations to enable teaching and learning to take place during outbreak juncture. This will reinforce the basis for more sustainable and balanced schooling solutions as the crisis decreases. The biggest solution to cuts of schools is to plunge into cyberspace and distance learning, establishing a symbiosis between humans and the computers. Ideally, specific contents, learning outcomes, and a set of instructions are desirable. Use various media and technology, students can learn more in different ways and obtain varying results at various levels. Technologies can be compared along several characteristics. These features form a foundation for evaluating emerging innovations, seeing where they fit into the current environment and determining their potential benefits and limitations. Today, technology appears to become more communicative and richer in media, thereby giving educators and students powerful resources to achieve desired learning outcomes.
Enlightening and Predicting the Correlation Around Deep Neural Nets and Cognitive Perceptions
Author :
Chandra Bhim Bhan Singh; National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra Kurukshetra, Haryana .
Co-Author: :
Cognitive science, Artificial Intelligence, Resemblance, Object Classification, Neural Networks, Convex Optimization
Enhanced PAD Neural Based Approach for Forgery Detection in Images
Author :
Prabhjot kaur; Department of computer science, Golden College of Engineering and Technology, Gurdaspur, India
Co-author :
PAD, Neural network, linear learning color enhancement, FMR, FNMR.
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